Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Origins: Never A Dull Moment Skin-Brightening Face Polisher

'Never A Dull Moment'
face polisher

Talk about Good Stuff! I immediately fell in love with this exfoliant, drooling over it now! lol. If you would like to get rid of all the dry dead winter skin, or you just want to brighten up, this is the stuff to do it the job!

Product Claims: "Skin-Brightening Face Polisher"
Product Description: Comes in a tube (4.4fl), formerly a jar. Thick gooey, paste-like consistency w/finely ground up Apricot and Mango seeds along w/Papaya extract. The consistency of this stuff is SO thick and ONE squeeze from the tube is enough!
Price: $25.00 (a little goes A LONG way, so it lasts some months, its worth it)

Bonus: My brother noticed brighter skin after one application...he was completely unaware that I used the product.

**Also For purchase, check out your local Macy's (where I purchase from) or your fine beauty department establishment(s).

Midwest Junkie Verdict:

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