Sunday, April 3, 2011

Helpful Tips For Organizing Life....Exhale.

I do not claim to be an expert (whatsoever) on life enhancement or life skills, 
BUT I have personally overcome some rough times through using these simple methods. 
Helpful Tips Include:

1. Exercise

  • Exercising often helps relax and calm senses, it also helps build confidence is your physical appearance, which may lead to less stress.

2. Setting A Bedtime and Sticking To It!

3. Put At Least  10% of Your Paycheck in SAVINGS
  • Knowing you have a bit of loose cash "just because" can be relieving. Saving gives a sense of discipline and organization.

4. Clean Environment 
  • Try to keep places where you spend the most time, clean. I personally believe, clutter is dirty, but hey thats just me! An organized house, car, workspace, room etc = an organized mind. Keep it refreshed! For your sake!

5. Write It & Execute
  • Keep a notepad on you, or use your phone, whatever. I personally like the physical relief from jotting on paper, its WAY more relaxing to me than touch-screening on a phone..ehhhh..Write random thoughts to help collect your mind. Jot down what has to be done or bought and simply do it!

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