Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Note For Naturals

  1. Hair Typing Is Virtually Useless
    1. Barely use this as a guideline. What you need to know is how dry is your hair and how to moisturize and balance. THERE ARE SOOOO many types of hair and factors that truly make up the difference. What looks the same, may not behave the same. AT ALL.
  2. No 2 Heads are the same!
    1. Don't want for something you'll never have. When God created our hair, it was somewhat like a fingerprint. They may look similar just "looking on", but NOBODY'S is the same.
  3. If you want the best out of YOUR hair...LEARN IT.
  4. Get rid of any info you have acquired about hair completely (the relaxed days)
    1. Relaxed hair is a complete FLIP from your natural.
    2. Go ahead and treat your hair the exact same way and see what happens..:D
  5. Trial and Error is OKAY! Epic-ally Failing is GREAT!
    1. Failing is okay, this is when you learn what to do and how to perfect! This is how you become an expert on your hair.
    2. Other people can only give you an outline about your hair. Its up to you to fill in the actual pages of your hairstory.
  6. The deal with Hair "Systems"
    1. I have learned that buying the WHOLE product line all with different uses, is typically a marketing scheme.
    2. Find what works! If you love a particular line, GREAT, but YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT ALL UP. Finding what works (singular items) can become expensive enough. Buying random items AND hair systems to experiment with, eventually gets ridiculous and confusing and tossed to the side anyhow...catch my drift?
  7. Determining Factors that makes everyone's hair different:
    1. Hair Density (The WHOLE head of hair entirely)
    2. Hair STRAND Density (Fine-Normal-Thick/Coarse)
    3. Dryness of Hair
    4. Hair Color
    5. Actual curl pattern under running water
      1. When curly/kinky hair drys, it does have the tendency to appear the same.
  8. Listen to your hair
    1. This is sort of hard to do if someone else is always in it. This especially goes for people who never really took care of their hair before, when relaxed. Try.
    2. Learn when your hair is dry and needs moisture.
    3. Learn when your hair and scalp is dirty.
    4. Get to know your hair at its driest and learn how to build moisture from there.
    1. Yes, your hair may take more effort than another persons (or not), but most styles are achievable, with the right tools and products. Don't believe the lies.
    2. Your hair IS versatile. At one point, I didn't used to believe that, like I didn't believe it AT ALL. But when I think about it, I've done WAY more with my natural hair than I have EVER done with my relaxed.

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